Cancellation of Manila Bay reclamation and dredging permits demanded

Alyansa Tigil Mina (ATM) called on the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to immediately cancel all the permits of Manila Bay reclamation projects following reports on its Cumulative Impact Assessment that showed widespread adverse environmental impacts of these reclamation activities.
Jaybee Garganera, ATM National Coordinator said, “the next logical step is to terminate all reclamation permits and forbid similar projects in the future”, adding that the findings attributed that the reclamation projects would bring about flooding, affect the livelihood of fishermen and waste management, and cause more traffic problems.
Sam Malizon, Convenor of Kabitenyong Alyansa Laban sa Seabed Quarrying (KALASAG)
demanded full accountability from companies responsible for the negative effects of the projects that have long plagued communities around Manila Bay.
“Culpable companies must be sanctioned or be barred from implementing similar projects anywhere in the country. DENR must demonstrate that it could strictly and competently enforce its regulatory powers over erring companies,” said Malizon.
Environmental groups have reported that various offshore mining and seabed quarrying projects from Cagayan, Pangasinan, Zambales and Cavite have links to the Manila Bay reclamation projects.
Garganera further called on the DENR to release the full report of the cumulative impact assessment it commissioned to the University of the Philippines - Marine Science Institute (UP-MSI) and the Marine Environment and Resources Foundation.