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ATM Statement on the abduction of Jak Tiong and Eco Dangla III

ATM Statement | March 26, 2024

Alyansa Tigil Mina strongly deplores the abduction of Axielle “Jak” Tiong and Francisco “Eco” Dangla III last March 24. The two environmental defenders were mauled and forced into a van by unidentified men, according to witnesses.

Both Jak and Eco are conveners of the Pangasinan People’s Strike for the Environment (PPSE), which is a member of the Pangasinan Empowered Action on Care for the Environment (PEACEnet). Along with other faith-based organizations and environmental groups, ATM has been working with Jak and Eco in staunchly opposing offshore mining in Pangasinan.

We call on government authorities to immediately investigate the abduction and to exert all its efforts to locate, surface and release Jak and Eco.

We are aghast that another case involving environmental activists has happened. For the past ten years, the Philippines has been documented as being the most dangerous country in Asia for environmental human rights defenders.

We call on the PBBM administration to resolve all cases of enforced disappearances, killings and human rights violations against environmental activists.

Working for the protection of the environment is a legitimate right that should be recognized and protected. There should be no room for any act of violence against anyone fighting against environmental destruction.

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