IUCN-NL: Gender Webinars

Gender is a prominent topic in the GLA Programme.
Next week, two interesting webinars on gender are organized (not by IUCN-GGO but by others).
Please share this information with the person in charge of gender or other interested persons.
November 13: IIED webinar: Gender and biodiversity conservation - progress and future directions
November 15: CGIAR webinar: Making sense of ‘intersectionality’
In addition, please remember the opportunity to request IUCN-GGO for advice, especially on the workplans 2019.
The key questions for gender mainstreaming (attached; sent earlier) are very useful to seriously weave in gender in our work.
Hans Vellema
Programme Coordinator
Tropenbos International
P.O. Box 232,
NL-6700 AE Wageningen
the Netherlands
T: +31 (0) 317 702029
E : hans.vellema@tropenbos.org
Skype : hansvellema
Making knowledge work for forests and people